Testimonial Zara

We needed someone who could take a group of managers and stretch them into leaders. Julie and her team brought a commercial edge to coaching and our leaders are now playing a much bigger, better part in their teams’ lives at work.

Vanessa, Human Resources Director, Zara (Inditex)


Testimonials Friends Provident

Starr Coaching helped us develop coaching as a basic management skill in all sorts of contexts. Their approach is refreshing; they create understanding, develop skills and build confidence. They’re practical and create a safe environment to explore all types of issues and relationships. They have the experience and confidence to challenge people at all levels. […]

Testimonial Motorola

Starr Coaching are expert and they are professional: they also seem able to cope with the pressure and rapid rate of change within an environment like ours. We value what they add. Sherwyn, Talent Development, Motorola

Testimonial Deutsche Post World Net

I’ve worked alongside the Starr Coaching team over the last three years; focusing on change management, mentoring programs and executive coaching. They are great professionals who quickly become part of your own team. I have found them to be flexible, responsive and able to deliver within tight timelines.” Deborah, Head of HR, GBS, Deutsche Post […]

Testimonial Selfridges & Co

Starr Coaching provides our managers with challenging, thought-provoking and inspirational training. They deliver in a way which shows their own expertise and passion for coaching. They work in partnership with you to understand the culture and ways of working of your business and are relentless in their desire to enable a coaching culture to emerge.” Caroline, […]

Testimonial Henkel

Julie Starr was my exec coach for 6 months. The benefits of her coaching were visible both to me and my colleagues. Through the coaching I let go of self-limiting beliefs, which freed me up to reach my potential. I’ve changed my perspectives, increased my confidence and significantly increased my influence and impact. All of […]

Testimonial Vodafone Group

Helped us understand the team dynamic and how to really make a difference by implementing a few key ideas. It’s an eye opener. I’ve found it unbelievably useful both as a team member and as an individual.” Chris, Head of Portfolio Vodafone Group

Testimonial Egg 

You’ve had a huge impact on everyone you’ve worked with.” Julia, Learning Manager, Egg

Testimonial Deutsche Post World Net

These guys really add something different, we value what they do – it’s tangible. It’s good to have them around.” Alex, Executive Vice President IT, GBS, Deutsche Post World Net

Testimonial DHL

Starr Coaching is a highly talented, flexible group of consultants that have provided creative, practical solutions to different projects in DHL over the past 4 years. Each consultant brings a wealth of experience and knowledge which has helped us shape and deliver  solutions that make a real difference to our business. They are a hard working yet fun […]

Testimonial Woolworths

Woolworths has been working with Julie and the team for several years now and we feel we have built up a strong relationship with them. They achieve a great balance between a friendly and challenging style in their coaching workshops. Their clear expertise in this area makes the coaching programme authoritative and a valuable development […]

Testimonial Carillion Building

It’s the kind of help and support you don’t always realise you need. It has helped me to fast track my development and career. You make the whole process comfortable.” Grant, Operations Director, Carillion Building

Download free chapters of the Mentoring Manual

To celebrate the release of Julie Starr’s latest book, The Mentoring Manual, you can download a sample for free. The Mentoring Manual, Julie’s third publication, tackles the different responsibilities of being a mentor. It gives readers a step-by-step guide to develop better mentoring skills and confidence to support mentees. To give you the opportunity to […]

Engaged in your work, or just acting?

Starr Coaching’s Michael Fryer explores the importance of truly sustainable engagement among middle managers – and how to achieve it. In business, middle managers are a neglected but critical group. Many of them appear engaged in their work – they put in long hours, stay focused on day-to-day tasks and keep saying ‘yes’ to what’s being asked of them […]

Introducing Julie’s debut novel: Magic To Memphis

Julie Starr discusses her first fiction book – and how the experience of writing relates to her work as a coach and mentor. What is Magic To Memphis about? It’s a tale of a teenage runaway named Jessie, living rough in America’s Midwest with just a pit bull dog for company. She’s a musician, desperate […]


There’s lots to love about Christmas – but sometimes the enjoyment disappears beneath the stress. So we’ve got a few coaching tips to help you cope… Greetings card manufacturers promote Christmas as a time of peace and joy for everyone. But for many of us, juggling busy jobs with a life outside of work, the […]

Take a new approach to new year’s resolutions

How are those 2015 commitments going so far? If you really want to succeed, maybe you need a fresh perspective… Ah, another new year. It’s time to set new goals and plan for the future – though if you have a history of failing to sustain your good intentions, maybe it’s time for a change. To […]

Customer service – does yours sizzle or fizzle?

High-quality service is a must for any successful organisation – and coaching could really help improve yours. Most business managers shudder at the latest ‘customer service initiative’ (often neatly packaged in a glossy, clever format, perhaps with freebie pens and mouse mats). The aim, of course, is to provide your employees with the guidance they […]

Whoa there! Halting sluggish UK management

According to a recent CIPD report, the quality of UK management has failed to improve for more than a decade. So what can we do about it? New research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has found that the overall quality of management in the UK continues to trail behind the USA, […]

Do you have a difficult relationship at work?

According to a recent CIPD report, 1 in 4 people do, so you are not alone. Getting Under the Skin of Workplace Conflict identifies the most frequent cause for grievance as ‘lack of respect’. Disturbingly, this was most likely to be felt by a direct report talking about their line manager. The CIPD found that […]

TED talk on leadership

Every wondered how great leaders inspire others to act differently? check out this fabulous TED talk It all begins with understanding WHY… Photo via www.wikipedia.org

Ten minute toolbox: Are you asking powerful questions?

Powerful questions are great tool; use them in meetings to create progress, during one to one conversations or simply ask them of yourself when you have an issue or feel ‘stuck’. Benefits of powerful questions include: They refocus thought, e.g. from problem to solution. They can help someone feel more powerful and constructive about a situation. […]

Julie Starr discusses mentoring on Webtalk Radio

  Here on Webtalk Radio our founder Julie Starr discusses the importance of having a business or life mentor with leadership expert Gordon Tredgold (author of FAST, 4 Principles Every Business Needs to Drive Results). Julie and Gordon debate the differences between coaches and mentors, what really defines a mentor and how they can offer […]

If we all worked smarter we could take Fridays off…

UK productivity is lower than most of Europe In the UK we produce 10% less per hour than the average Italian and a startling 30% less than workers in Germany, the US and France. “By Thursday lunchtime some countries have already produced the amount it takes us to produce by Friday afternoon.” Professor John Van […]

Lights, camera, coaching

Julie Starr will appear in The Coaching Movie, a full-length documentary featuring the most influential coaches in the fields of executive, business, life, sports and relationship coaching from around the world. During try-out filming for the movie Julie gives her views on coaching and why this movie is important globally.  

As the seasons change seize the momentum of autumn

Coaching others isn’t always a full time occupation. Many people combine coaching with other jobs and passions, enabling them to bring a variety of perspectives and skills from other disciplines. Such is the case with our new blogger Andrew Morris, the Coaching Gardener, who combines a successful career as a coach with his alter ego […]

Its a body thing: leadership begins with your biology

Effective leadership is not a mythical quality gifted to a lucky few; leadership is actually rooted in our biology. Powerful, confident people have distinct levels of two hormones that affect the brain’s ability to react to stress. It turns out that leaders have high testosterone and low cortisol levels, making them less reactive to stress. So these […]

How Dumbledore and Mary Poppins can help you mentor

Why do organisations struggle to really make mentoring work? Organisations expend significant resources establishing schemes involving senior leaders and junior talent. Mentoring schemes often don’t return the benefits hoped for, and yet the potential rewards are high, e.g. accelerating talent, better engagement and performance. So why is it that so many relationships begin well and […]

Spotlight on the charity who dazzled the world of HR

Case Study Crunch: Mencap Three year financial targets smashed within two years, a nomination for a Personnel Today award and one very happy CEO – Mencap’s AskHR team are proving every day, how coaching in the conversation creates results and benefits beyond expectations. A need to engage, empower and enable managers – by phone The […]

Ignore your boundaries – we dare you!

I love designing small gardens, they stretch my creative skills. I want people to be wowed by what’s going on within a space that they think is too small to bother me with. Magic is created when you follow the golden rule of garden design: don’t let the boundary be the start and end point […]

Have Yourself a Mindful Little Christmas

Since 2009 the number of sick days linked to stress, depression and anxiety has increased by 24%*. Does this jingle a bell as you cope with shopping, cards, wrapping, an infinite inbox and titanic schedule? Whilst we need peace on earth now more than ever, first we all need less stress at work and at […]

From Workhouse to Workplace – Is There Actually a Difference?

Just stop for a moment and consider how you feel about your job. If you love it totally then you are to be congratulated. Unfortunately, for many, work is a tedious, monotonous or even soul crushing necessity. In his latest TED Talk, psychologist Barry Schwartz says the ideas that institutions assume about their workers create […]

The Coaching Gardener: Diversity, relationships and builders

I sign up to the idea that for a relationship to work you have to invest before you expect anything in return. It’s an approach I use when working with builders who, I confess, scare me a bit. They talk ‘three be two’s’, ‘RSJ’s’ and ‘DPC levels’. I talk about harmony and flow. It’s a […]

The Coaching Gardener: Are you working with the flow or against THE FORCE?

I’m not a fan of January. She’s a cruel month snatching us from our debauched December hiatus into the damp reality of resolutions, gym memberships and diets. Friends are having a dry month. It’s far too much pressure. Be honest who set a NY goal to go to the gym five times a week even […]

The best book on coaching just got better!

The new edition of Julie Starr’s bestseller The Coaching Manual is out now! This carefully revised edition includes fresh insights and perspectives from Julie’s continued practice and study in the field. There’s also free online material to download HERE to support your skills development and coaching practice.

The Mentoring Parent – Take your inner parent to work

Our latest blogger, Michael Fryer, is a seasoned coach, mentor and a ‘work in progress’ parent. Taking work home with him (and vice-versa) has become philosophical practice for Michael. Check this out. When we tell a manager, ‘you’re parenting people’ it’s generally a damning accusation, a definite no-no – I think that’s a hasty judgement. […]

Free eChapters of the New Edition Coaching Manual

Translated around the world, and required reading on many coaching programmes The Coaching Manual is trusted globally as the definitive guide to coaching. This carefully revised edition guides you through the entire process from your first meeting to when coaching ends, with methods, tips and techniques that simply work. Julie has a reputation for distilling key […]

The Mentoring Parent – Leading by Fear

Build a world-class coaching clientele with coaches from the LEAP! Movie

How do you build a successful business from coaching others? How can you create a sustainable income by doing what you love? What does it take to coach influencers on a global level? Five Different Coaches: One core purpose This half-day event gives you the opportunity to meet the world class coaches who appear in […]

Problem Avoidance: don’t waste your energy

What thorny issue are you avoiding at the moment? Tackling that head on may not be your preferred option but I’ll bet you’ll be glad when you do. You see, problems, like gardens, grow when we incubate them. Deny them, and delude yourself. They don’t go away. So sharpen your tools, get out there and […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.