Take a new approach to new year’s resolutions
How are those 2015 commitments going so far? If you really want to succeed, maybe you need a fresh perspective…
Ah, another new year. It’s time to set new goals and plan for the future – though if you have a history of failing to sustain your good intentions, maybe it’s time for a change.
To begin, ask yourself the following:
1) How do you want things to be different for you this year? i.e. more of this, less of that
2) If you could make three things happen this year, in relation to your job and the work that you do, what would they be?
3) What do you already know you need to start doing differently? i.e. to increase your happiness, success and fulfilment
You’ve now started a process of productive enquiry. But if you’d like to take things further, working with a coach can dramatically increase the likelihood of reaching your goals; or achieving greater fulfilment in the work that you do.
Starr Coaching can offer guidance to help you:
1) Decide clear goals or priorities for this year – and distinguish them from any ‘weak wishes’.
2) Align your goals with your core sense of purpose – e.g. ‘Why is this important for me?’
3) Remove false barriers and blocks – e.g. ‘What might stop me?’
4) Decide on a way forward – e.g. ‘What do I need to do first?’ Or ‘How do I get started?’
5) Establish support for success – e.g. ‘Who/what can help me sustain progress?’
We also offer a range of coaching services to improve the performance of people in your organisation, from leadership skills development to employee engagement.
To talk to us about your hopes for the future and specific objectives you’d like to achieve within your business, just get in touch. It could be the start of your best year yet.