Andrew is an expert trainer and coach with over 17 years’ experience in learning and development. His background with premium retail brands and other high street names is extensive, which creates a clear focus on customer and service.
One of the best things for me is most definitely the ‘light-bulb’ moments that individuals get in classroom situations and one-to-one coaching. It’s that poignant moment when someone shares that something has clicked or fallen into place for them. Or maybe sometimes they don’t say anything, it’s just a look on their face; it makes a world of difference to me and my work.
Working with individuals and groups, Andrew coaches others to increase their ability to manage and motivate teams. His interventions have a measurable impact on sales, motivation and retention.
Andrew knows that sound people management and a strong service ethic are key drivers for commercial success. His qualifications include NLP Practitioner, Belbin, DISC Profiling.
DBA Apparel / DHL / Capital One / Gllab / Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer /Friends Provident / Jaeger / McCain Foods / Mercedes / Miller Homes / Nokia / O2 Centre / Phase Eight / Roberstson Homes / Selfridges / Timberland / Viyella/ Yorkshire Housing